Energy savingIt is a set of measures to reduce the degree of negative impact on the environment, as well as save money on the purchase of energy resources.
The Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Program is a document that establishes some rules in the field of energy conservation for specialized organizations.
Which institutions and organizations are required to implement energy saving programs:
organizations whose activities are subject to government regulation;
state and municipal institutions;
companies engaged in the production or transport of fuel and energy resources (fuel and energy resources);
organizations in which the energy efficiency and energy saving program is financed by the local (federal) budget;
organizations that annually spend more than 50 million rubles on fuel and energy resources.
program objective- saving heat and electricity, natural gas, motor fuel, water, etc. , competent use of resources, as well as organizing a comprehensive general approach in carrying out various energy-saving procedures.
The planned goals are achieved by:
increase the productivity of electricity and heat, water supply and sewage systems;
use of highly efficient equipment and materials;
introduction of the latest and most proven energy-saving technologies;
installation of measuring devices;
organizing various measures aimed at the economical use of energy and resources. For example, training employees, monitoring the operation of heating equipment, monitoring energy consumption dynamics, etc.
Based on these regulatory documents, an energy saving program is being developed:
"On saving energy and increasing energy efficiency";
"On the requirements for regional and municipal programs in the field of energy conservation . . . ";
"On Additional Measures to Stimulate Energy Conservation";
"On increasing the efficiency of energy and water use . . . "
"On the procedure for establishing requirements for programs in the area of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency of organizations that carry out regulated activities"
The above program includes no glitches:
Information on target indicators that may show a decrease in consumption in physical terms and under comparable conditions;
List of energy saving measures (organizational, administrative, technological, aggregate and automation);
Explanatory note;
Program passport.
Development phases of this program:
First, experts collect data on resource consumption in the company's last year of operation. This is facilitated by readings from measuring devices as well as accounting documents;
Then (if necessary), an energy survey of buildings and structures is carried out. The reasons for the unjustified consumption of energy resources are being clarified. Energy saving possibilities are evaluated;
Energy consumption targets and indicators are defined. Energy efficiency measures are being developed and the technical and economic indicators of these measures are being calculated. The amount and source of funding is determined;
The energy efficiency program passport is being developed.
Important points in the development and implementation of energy saving programs:
Budget organizations must annually reduce their consumption by at least 3%. Budget fund managers monitor compliance with this requirement, and savings above 3% remain within the company or institution;
The purchase of energy-inefficient goods is prohibited. These are incandescent bulbs, etc. At least 5% of the luminaires purchased must be LED lamps. At least 10% of the total number of insulating glass units installed must have a low emission coating;
A mandatory event is the installation of measurement devices.
For organizations that carry out regulated activities (transmission of electricity, water, heat, etc. ), the Energy Savings and Efficiency Program is developed for 3 years, if there is an existing investment program - during the duration of the program.